Saturday, February 27, 2016

Bigger is Better Culture

I love the tiny house movement. I mean it borders on obsession! I’ve been binge watching tiny house shows on HGTV and recently watched Tiny on Netflix. I couldn’t figure out for the longest time why I loved it so much. One of my phobias is claustrophobia, so you think I would be adverse to small spaces. I lived in a small house growing up and I was very happy growing up there. We always lived in a pleasant cozy space. However, I dreamed of living in a big Victorian with those beautiful stairs (you know the ones I’m talking about). I do enjoy tiny sized furniture and spaces. I think it is quite adorable and inventive how they are able to utilize the small space. I’ve discovered my tiny house obsession has a bit more depth and meaning than simply loving miniature sized furniture.

I had my “A-HA!” moment as to why I am so enamored with tiny houses and this movement after watching the documentary Tiny. Drum roll please…. BECAUSE bigger is NOT better!! America and our consumerism; we always want to keep up with the ‘Joneses’. Frankly, this has resulted in everything getting bigger and bigger and BIGGER… and completely ridiculous!! It’s really getting out of control and crazy! How much “stuff” and space do we really need? Who are the Joneses anyway? The illusion of the ‘Joneses’ is really our own insecurities that if we don’t have enough and in turn that we, ourselves, aren’t good enough. This is a very flawed perception.  Therefore, it is no surprise that in this bigger is better culture that the tiny house movement has gained so much momentum. The tiny house movement both challenges and attempts to thwart the notion that bigger is indeed better.  

Currently, we have ridiculously sized homes, stores, churches…. Why? By embracing this mentality, we’ve lost small mom and pop stores, depleted local businesses, drained people’s finances, and blocked many from gaining financial stability and freedom. This type of financial bondage restricts our ability to live with more depth and explore the world.

As Forest Gump would put it, “Momma said there’s only so much fortune a man really needs and the rest is for showing off.”

We are totally showing off and in the process decreasing our quality of life.

For me, I’d willingly trade my Victorian staircase … for more quality time, experiences, and depth of life… seems like a fair trade off.

Is there more to the tiny house movement than just tiny houses? You bet! Many are reaching into their lives and exploring what is really important to them. In turn, I too have discovered that my tiny house obsession has much deeper roots and it really hit the core of what I determine is valuable in my life.

So to conclude: Bigger is not better. Stop showing off, America!

Check out the square footage of houses around the world in this infographic below: 

                                                                      news/a7654/house-sizes-around-the-world/  August 26, 2015

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

INFJ Musings

Image source:

Today, I want to discuss my personality type, INFJ and how it relates to me. Here is a list of tidbits about me that I think relate to my MBTI personality type and may resonate with other INFJ’s:

·         Highly sensitive: I feel that I am highly sensitive. I have difficulty watching violent television or movies. I avoid it and it is very difficult for me to handle.
·         Prominent interests in the arts and humanities, especially writing. I really enjoy books of all kinds, music, philosophy, dance, theatre, crafting, and painting.
·         I need my space and time to recharge alone. If I am in a social situation for too long it becomes draining and I feel myself becoming disengaged.
·         I love nature, especially trees and waterfalls. My favorite tree is the weeping willow.
·         I can be intense sometimes, I am a perfectionist and expect a lot from myself.
·         I really love being around people and helping people. I enjoy my very close relationships with my family and friends.
·         I like to plan & make lists, like this one ;-).
·         I feel like I have one true purpose in life and my goal in life is to figure out that purpose and let that seep into everything that I do.
·         I value education, but don’t necessarily agree with the current structure and ideas in some of our educational institutions.
·         I think abstractly and have an easy time thinking, reading, and talking about theoretical ideas.
·         I like science and I’m really into ideas about physics right now.
·         I have strong protective instincts, especially when it comes to my friends and family. I’ve had these instincts since I was a small child. I hate to see innocent or vulnerable people bullied.
·         I have difficulty speaking loudly.
·         I can appear very calm and reserved on the surface, when that may not necessary be the case.
·         I have difficulty with spatial awareness. I hate parallel parking and have a very difficult time judging distance.
·         Sometimes I am in my own head so much that I don’t notice things in the physical world. I am not as observant of details as some others and I can go for a long time without noticing physical things in my every day environment.
·         I am very romantic and idealistic.
·         I hate conflict and try to avoid it like the plague. If it is a conflict that I am not directly involved in then I can act as a peacemaker/mediator and tend to be very good in this role at helping others resolve their conflicts.
·         I’m a great listener and people often confide in me.
·         I’m very reflective.